I'm not ready for my baby to turn 2 on Monday. She is the sweetest little girl ever. She's funny and smart and we are having such a good time with her. Time has gone by so fast since she was born. She's learning so much every day. She just learned how to say "I love you...too." The three older girls have been gone for the past two days and they call just just to hear her say "love you...too." There is always a long pause before she says "too."
I'm not ready to have a two year old and not have another baby on the way. With the middle five kids I was usually eight or nine months pregnant when the youngest baby turned two. I just turned forty last month and I'm beginning to get nervous about my fertility, or lack thereof. Some people have said to me that we are selfish for having so many children. Some actually would say I am being greedy for wanting more children, but these precious little children bring us so much joy. I'm just not ready for this phase of our lives to be over.
I'm not ready to say Maria is our last baby, so when people ask me if she's our last, I always answer, "She's our youngest." I love how the other kids play with her and how much she enjoys them. Recently, our 20 year old was babysitting a 4 month old baby girl and when she came home, the first thing she said to us was, "Mami and Daddy, you need to have another baby!" I love when the kids ask for another baby.
So I pray every day at Mass for another baby, if it be God's holy will. I pray that my heart and my husband's heart will be united to His will, whatever that may be.
Lovely lady of La Leche, most loving mother the Child Jesus, and my Mother, listen to my humble prayer. Your motherly heart knows my every wish, my every need. To you only, His spotless Virgin Mother, has your Divine Son given to understand the sentiments which fill my soul. Yours was the sacred privilege of being the Mother of the Saviour. Intercede with Him now, my loving Mother, that, in accordance with His will, I may become the mother of other children of our heavenly Father. This I ask, O Lady of La Leche, in the Name of your Divine Son, My Lord and Redeemer. Amen.